Matriarch Society; Empowering Women

Faith Popcorn’s predictions- all direct to a major power change in our society…  .

Women are becoming powerful leaders, they are advancing in the work environment. Women are starting up new businesses and closing the financial gaps in salary between men & women.

When it comes to social aspect of life women are becoming independent, single moms are a growing population and when it comes to self protection they are getting stronger and confident to take care of themselves. Women do not need men to protect them or to raise a family.

Women are progressing neck to neck with men in social & economic fields in society. Rather i see a trend towards a Matriarch Society.

Fashion is effected by changes in society and lifestyle.  As women start becoming more empowering so do their clothes. We will see fashion for women become more structured with a touch of masculinity. We will see use of heavier fabrics, prints with a masculine look and bolder colors.




On the other end, We see men getting into a new role in society. With more stay home dads, single male parents . I see Menswear become softer in look, the bottoms get fuller and more casual.


Fashion- Pendulum Swing Movement

Pendulum Swing is a movement where fashion swings from one extreme to another.  Once a fashion reaches its full form , the pendulum starts moving back towards an opposite trend.

In analyzing our fashion trends in the last few years, i have noticed a strong pendulum swing when it comes to pants & Jeans for both men and women .

In the 2013- Skinny pants, tight cuffs or fitted pants were in style. We saw this trend on streets to the runway.

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